Post the car you want,
let dealerships reach out to you

We have made the car shopping experience better. Post the car you are looking for and let dealerships reach out to you. All the messaging happens here.

New way to shop for cars

Request the car you are looking for and alert dealers in the area
Dashboard mockup

Selling a car

List your car for sale with the flexibility to sell to a dealership, an individual buyer, or both!
Dashboard mockup

In-Platform Messaging

You don't have to share your phone number or email anymore. They will reach out to you and all the messaging happens here!
Dashboard mockup

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Cartropic
What is Cartropic and how does it differ from other car platforms?
Cartropic is a unique platform that prioritizes the car buyer's needs. Instead of you searching through endless car listings, you post the car you want, and dealers come to you. It's a hassle-free, reversed approach to car buying.
Is it free to post what car I'm looking for?
Absolutely! Cartropic is completely free for buyers. Post your preferences and let the best offers roll in without any cost.
How does CarTropic ensure the quality of dealers on the platform?
We rigorously vet all dealers before they join Cartropic to ensure that our users receive the best possible experience and offers.
Is my personal information safe with Cartropic?
We have messaging within our platform so you do not have to share your personal information until you feel comfortable with a dealer.
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